My name is Angela

I was born in Sweden back in the 60’s. I am a farmer, a wife, a mother, a friend, an artist and so on – but here I want to focus on me as a singer songwriter.

My family bought a dairy farm when I was 13 years old, and I guess that this is the main reason why I came to love Country Music. Being a farmer is probably the closest I will get to be a cowgirl here in Sweden.

Angela at the farm

Country music & God

What I love the most with Country Music is the story telling lyrics and the closeness to God. My faith is important to me. I love the life on the countryside with my family around me, and I can honestly say that I lack the urge to get famous, but I love to share my talents with you.

Angela at the farm

My inspiration brought me further than my ability

Music has always been a part of my life, since I grew up with a grandfather who were a poet and performer, and a mother that sang us through the daily chores when I was young.

I was in my early teens when I left school with limited academic skills in my baggage to be a full time farmer (the cows and horses did not mind). Despite that I have written songs my whole life, both in Swedish and English.

One by one in the moment

I will not tell you about what other people or magazines think about my music. This webpage I made just for you, so I hope that you like it. Still, there are no like buttons or guestbooks where you can show what you think. If you feel like leaving a note you are welcome to send a message through my Facebook page Angela Lidin - Country Folk.

Here you will find more music

Here you can find links to my music where you can listen, watch videos, and buy my tracks and albums. I have released four albums, two 4-track EP's and some single tracks.
🎵My YouTube Channel 🎵YouTube Music 🎵apple music 🎵amazon 🎵Spotify 🎵deezer 🎵

Down to earth

To call myself a songwriter sounds a bit upstage, but that is what I am. Now, I believe that the songs that I write comes through inspiration, so without divine help I would not have anything to offer you. Don’t you go blaming the angels for linguistic mistakes, I have them in my records.
Here are the lyrics to the songs in the videos on this website.

Angela at the farm

Angels Touch

Now you see me, now you don't,
it's a game that people play
I could play too, but I won't,
I just wait for you that day
when you come fort,
when I can see you clear
I'll be happy as can be,
until then I'm waiting here
so, don't worry about me,
I'll be right here

I would wish there comes a day,
when you love me, right or wrong
If you could see things my way,
If you listen to my song
you might feel why I do these things,
that I do believe so much
you could hear the angels sing,
and feel that heavenly touch,
– angels touch

Oh, I guess that if I try,
if I listen to my heart
I can see the reason why,
it's so hard for us to part
Then I know I'm not quite that bad,
really, I am not the one to blame
When I see all things we had,
my love for you is the same
Love you dad

Now you see me...

© Angela Lidin (Lyrics)

Sometimes I am

Here I am, before your face I humbly stand
Spelling out my fears to you, the fears that tie me down
I know that when you look at me,
you see the one I’m meant to be
If I would let my soul be free, of guilt and blame

I look at you, and Lord I know, it’s time for me to finally let go
Of all the does and don’ts, and find my way home
I hope that I can be that strong,
that I can claim the land I’m standing on
Both lion and lamb – sometimes I am

I look at you, and Lord I know, it’s time for me to finally let go
Of all the does and don’ts, and find my way home
I pray that I can be that strong,
that I can claim the land I’m standing on
Both lion and lamb – sometimes I am
Sometimes I am

© Angela Lidin (Lyrics)

Hearts may be broken

Hearts may be broken, tears may be falling, but I will always love you.
Thunder and lightning, who knows what life brings, but I will always be true.
Dreams of tomorrow they might change day by day.
Hard times might follow as a friend on our way,
but I don’t care what ever it will be, as long as you still love me.

Others may leave you, in times of trouble, but I will always be there.
When I am tired, your arms surround me, I am so grateful to share, our true love.

© Angela Lidin (Lyrics)